Test 1 - Python - sample

Sample Test I - Python

You have 90 minutes to complete the test. The only materials that are allowed to be used are the tutorials and sites linked at http://jug.dpieczynski.pl/proj-eocst. Any attempts to cooperate or use of the Internet for any other way will result in immediate test termination for involved students.

Before the deadline the solution have to uploaded to a specified page at the Moodle course. The upload form closes automatically at the deadline, be sure to upload the solution before that time! The form only accepts files with py extension.

The solution should consist of two files:

Task 1

Write a Python script and save it as task1.py:

Bonus: remove punctuation characters during text processing

Task 2

Write a Python script and save it as task2.py:


Authors: Jakub Tomczyński